jueves, noviembre 19, 2009

Re: EBSCO's Continuous Pandemic H1N1 Coverage

fn:Daniel Vargas Espinosa
n:Vargas Espinosa;Daniel
org:UNIVERSIDAD DE QUINTANA ROO;Sistema Bibliotecario
adr;quoted-printable:;;Bolulevard Bahia s/n Col. Del Bosuqe;Chetumal;Quintana Roo;77019;M=C3=A9xico
title:Jefe del Departamento de Bibliotecas
tel;work:01 983 8350055
tel;fax:01 983 8350300 ext 198
note:Jefe del Departamento de Bibliotecas Universiad de Quintana Roo

EBSCO Publishing <epaes@epnet.com> escribió:

Dear EBSCO Customer,

Early in September, as public concern about Pandemic H1N1 and the upcoming flu season began to grow, the medical and nursing editors from EBSCO Publishing (EBSCO) responded by offering the latest evidence-based, flu-related information for free.

As the pandemic expands, we continue to offer free flu information resources, located at www.ebscohost.com/flu. We are pleased to provide public support via continuously updated, evidence-based clinical information from DynaMed and Nursing Reference Center, EBSCO's clinical and nursing point-of-care databases, along with patient education information in 17 languages from Patient Education Reference Center. Please visit this site often, post links to the site on your home page, and feel free to share, post, and email this link to your colleagues, patrons, family and friends.

We'd like to take this opportunity to thank those who have provided such positive feedback from this effort. To learn about EBSCO's editorial processes for systematically identifying, evaluating and selecting evidence, visit this page.


Marcie Brown
Technical Communications Manager
EBSCO Publishing
10 Estes Street
Ipswich, MA 01938